Certification Mark Usage Guidelines
Fortreum INTL’s ISO certifying body (CB) shall:
- Have rules governing the management certification mark that it authorizes certified clients to use to ensure traceability back to the Fortreum INTL ISO CB.
- Ensure that the mark and/or accompanying text is unambiguous as to what has been certified and which CB has issued the certification.
- Have rules governing the use of any statement on product packaging or accompanying information that a certified client has a certified management system.
NOTE: Product packaging is considered that which may be removed from a product without damage or disintegration. Accompanying information is separate or easily detached from the product. Type labels or identification plates are considered part of the product.
- Exercise proper control of ownership and take action to deal with incorrect references to certification status or misleading use of certification documents, marks or audit reports.
NOTE Such action could include requests for correction and corrective action, suspension, withdrawal of certification, publication of the transgression and, if necessary, legal action.
- Require in contracts/statements of work (SOW) that the certified clients:
Conform to Fortreum INTL requirements when referencing certification status in communications via the internet, brochures, advertising, or other media.
Do not make or permit any misleading statement regarding its certification.
Do not use or permit the use of a certification document or any part thereof in a misleading manner.
Upon withdrawal of its certification, discontinue its use of all advertising matter that contains a reference to certification, as directed by the certification body.
Amend all advertising matter when the scope of certification has been reduced.
Do not allow reference to its management system certification to be used in such a way as to imply that the certification body certifies a product, service, or process.
Do not imply that the certification applies to activities and sites that are outside the scope of certification.
Do not use the certification in such a manner that would bring the certification body and/or certification system into disrepute and lose public trust.
Fortreum INTL’s ISO certified clients shall:
- When using the mark, ensure there is no ambiguity in the mark or accompanying text as to what has been certified and which certification body has granted the certification.
- When making a statement on a product, product packaging, or in accompanying information that the certified client has a certified management system, include reference to certified client identification (e.g., brand or name), the type of management system (e.g., information security), the applicable standard (e.g., ISO 27001), and the certification body (i.e., Fortreum INTL) issuing the certificate.
- NOT use the certification mark on a product, product packaging, or in accompanying information in any other way (with or without a statement) that implies in any way that the product, process, or service is certified or may be understood to denote product conformity.
- NOT apply the certification mark to a laboratory test or calibration/inspection reports or certificates.
- Adhere to reference of certification and use of marks requirements as outlined in their Fortreum INTL contract/SOW.